My pricing isn’t correct, how do I amend this?

My pricing isn’t correct, how do I amend this?

My pricing isn’t correct, how do I amend this? 

If you’ve noticed an incorrect price on a quote, then this probably relates to one of your instant quoting features.  

It’s worth checking your settings every so often to ensure they’re up to date. However, if a quote has already been sent out at an incorrect price you will need to do two things; 

1. You will need to update the customer on your revised price. If the price was provided by the Smartquote feature, you may still be able to adjust the price. To find out how to do this see “How do I manage Smartquote?” in the FAQs list for full details. 
If the price was sent out using a manual quote, the Parts + Labour system or the Autoquote system you will need to send a second message with your revised price and apologising for the error. 
2. If it relates to one of the instant quoting systems, you will need to identify what kind of quote it is. If it’s still in your “Applied for” or “Jobs won” feed, you should be able to see the quote is clearly marked with what type of quote it is. 
Then it’s just a case of updating your settings. 


If the quote hasn’t been accepted yet, you should still have an option to over-type the existing price with your updated one.
If not, you can update for future by clicking on the “Autoquote” option at the top right of your home page or on the blue toolbar on the left side of your page. This will bring you to the Smartquote management page
To see full details on how to update, see “How do I manage Smartquote?” in the FAQs list. 

Auto Quote 

From your home page go to the top right and click on the “Autoquote” option. This will bring you to the Smartquote management screen but at the top you should see an option to toggle between the Smartquote/Autoquote pages. Select “Autoquote” to go to the settings page.
Once loaded, you simply need to find the relevant job category and update your price in the box by over-typing the existing one. For more information on updating Autoquote see “What is an Autoquote?” in the FAQ list. 

Parts + Labour Quote 

From your home page you can access the Parts + Labour quote management screen by going to the blue tool bar on the left of the page and selecting the Parts + Labour icon to navigate to the settings page. 

Once on the settings page, you should consider what element of the price is incorrect.  Parts + Labour calculates parts prices based on your selected parts preference settings and labour by multiplying your hourly labour rate by the average job time it, so you may need to update one or both aspects. 

Check the costing breakdown by viewing the particular job to see exactly how the end price was calculated. If you think the incorrect parts were selected, go back to the settings screen and adjust these to your preferred settings. The labour costings are drawn from the selected system of your chosen parts supplier and are based off averages times, so it isn’t 100% accurate. If you’re finding it consistently low, you might want to raise your hourly labour rate across the board or just tweak your parts mark-up on that service to recover your margin on those jobs.  

To see full details on P+L quoting see “How does P+L quoting work?” in the FAQs list. 

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