You need to do the following to make sure your refund can be processed:
Send a message to the driver within 48 hours of winning the job.
This message could be a cancellation confirmation or another attempt to contact the driver.
Follow the steps below to request a refund for a job that didn’t go ahead.
1. Find the vehicle registration number from the job for which you want a refund.
2. Click ‘refunds’ in the navigation panel on the left side of the screen.
4. Press the ‘refund’ button next to the relevant job.
5. Use the drop down menu to select the reason for your refund request.
You must contact the driver twice within 48 hours of winning the job.
You must wait three days before submitting a refund request.
You have 30 days to submit the request.
Check you are using the correct registration number.
You can’t request a refund for a job where the driver has left feedback. If the feedback was left in error, contact our customer services team, who will be happy to investigate.
If the job is older than 30 days because a driver made an advanced booking, contact our customer services team for help at
One way to make the refund process more manageable is to set up a “job won” message in your profile settings to automatically send out when a driver accepts your quote. This counts as one of the two communication attempts required for a successful refund.