How do I find more work?

How do I find more work?

How do I find more work? 

If you’re looking to pick up more work and have exhausted all your available jobs alerts for the time being, you can manually search for jobs using the ‘Find Jobs’ feature. 

Located on the blue task bar on the left-hand side of your homepage you will find the ‘Find Jobs’ icon (The button features a magnifying glass). You can click on this icon to access the ‘Find Jobs’ feature. 

You then have three options to help filter your search; 

Service Type 

This will automatically default to the services you have ticked in your profile settings. However, if you wish to search for a specific service category you can use the tick boxes to refine your search further. 

Vehicle Manufacturer Type 

This section will also default to the vehicle manufacturers you have ticked in your profile settings but similarly to service type you can refine your search further using the tick boxes if you wish. 

  1. This section will default to your postcode but if you wish you can enter a different postcode or location name centre your search from. 
  2. You can then amend the radius of your search between a minimum of 1 Mile and a maximum of 50 Miles. 
  3. If you set your radius to 10 miles, this will be ten miles as the crow flies from your postcode, so in road miles could end up being more/less. 
  4. Changing your search radius only applies to the ‘Find Jobs’ search function IT WILL NOT alter the radius of jobs you receive alerts for. 

What jobs will I find? 

Once you have completed your search criteria this will return all available jobs within this criterion. It is important to remember that in most cases the broader your search criteria the more jobs it will return, and you will likely return less jobs on more specified search criteria.  
You will also likely encounter some jobs you have already been sent via the standard job alerts. You can identify jobs you haven’t seen before by looking in the top right-hand corner of each job to see if it features a button with the + symbol in it.  
If a job has this button it means it is a job you haven’t received as an alert and by clicking the button you can add it to your alert dashboard, or just apply for the job the standard way.  
You won’t have received this job if it’s for a service category you do not have ticked in your profile settings or if it’s outside of your standard alert radius for that category. 

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