Achievement Badges

Achievement Badges

Achievement badges are an excellent way to showcase your expertise to potential customers. They appear on your profile under the ‘awards’ section. Three different types of badges are available:

  1. Top performer
  2. Customer service
  3. Repair specialist

Winners and nominees from the FixMyCar Garage Awards also receive badges for their achievements

Let’s take a look at those badges and how you can earn them in more detail.

Top performer

The top performer badge is all about how many jobs you’ve completed. It’s available in bronze, silver and gold.

Badge colour




[County] Top Performer

In the top ten garages for the number of jobs completed in your county.


[Region] Top Performer

In the top ten garages for the number of jobs completed in your region.


National Top Performer

More than 300 jobs completed.

Customer service

The importance of good customer service should never be underestimated. This badge helps potential customers feel more confident when making a booking at your garage. It could even be the thing that makes them choose your business over someone else’s.

The Customer Service Badge can appear on your profile in bronze, silver or gold depending on how many positive reviews you’ve got.

Badge colour



60% or more of your reviews are 5 star


70% or more of your reviews are 5 star


80% or more of your reviews are 5 star

Repair specialist

Specialist badges are awarded based on how many relevant jobs you’ve completed. There are eight categories in total. Clutch and brake badges are available in bronze, silver or gold. For other specialisms, there are no tiers.

Let’s take a look at how you can earn a clutch or brake badge. 

Specialist badge colour



More than 25 clutch/brake repairs completed


More than 50 clutch/brake repairs completed


More than 75 clutch/brake repairs completed

The other specialist badges and their criteria are:

  • Bodywork Specialist: 10+ bodywork jobs

  • Diagnostic Specialist: 25+ diagnostic jobs

  • Head Gasket Specialist: 10+ head gasket jobs

  • Aircon Specialist: 15+ aircon jobs

  • DPF Specialist: 15+ DPF jobs

  • Alternator Specialist: 10+ alternator jobs